Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, we have clinicians who are ready to help you and your partner

  • Yes, there are. Serious mental health disorders requiring a multifunctional clinic approach such as: Bipolar disorder, personality disorders, Schizophrenia, Munchausen’s, Munchausen’s by proxy, factitious disorder, delusional disorder, cases that will need judicial or court intervention or testimony, sex offender treatment, moderate-severe intellectual disorders, cerebral palsy, and low functioning autism spectrum disorders. For more questions, please email our office manager.

  • When you become an Apple Tree client, we take into account that your time is precious, you might be juggling the demands of jobs, family, your health, or just plain juggling (it’s a skill!). As clinicians, we juggle too, so when you reserve your time to see us, we will hold you that “spot” in our schedule so we can stay on track and consistently see you!

    Since we save you that spot, when you don’t let us know in advance of illness or other emergencies, we don’t have a way to fit in someone in need of our help. We save that time just for you. Please give us 24 hours of notice or we have a late cancellation fee of $75. You can reschedule by going into your portal, emailing or calling your therapist.

  • Michelle the CEO grew up a bright child, but a devastatingly bad art student. In art, she was quite the simpleton. With art classes every year for 10 years, she was finally able to master the art of drawing a stick figure, a simple house, and a tree. That’s it… really. Then once she began working as a therapist with children and began HTP (HouseTreePerson) she noticed a pattern in her own drawings!

    Every time she drew a tree, it was a strong APPLE TREE.

    Later, one day when bored, she researched the subjective meaning behind the choice of strong apple trees in art therapy and found meanings: nurturance, fruitfulness, and inner strength.

    Cool, she thought. What more can we hope to gain from therapy?